giovedì 19 febbraio 2009


Ciao~Sono Ashley. Sono di Renville, Minnesota. Sono Americana :)Sono le 23:18 a Giovedi (sorry, I don't know how to do the accents!) Mi piace faccio spese e rido e leggo e sorrido e pulisco. Io amo mi famiglia e amiche.

Time for a little english...Like I said, my name is Ashley. I am originally from a very small town in Minnesota called Renville, and am now living in Mankato where I am a junior at Minnesota State University studying mass communications and psychology. Like Maddie said, it is very very cold here in the winter, so I am too looking forward to getting away for a couple months. However, the snow is melting at a surprising rate for it only being February, so Filomena could have had a much colder experience. :)

I think I can speak for the other girls when I say we all love having Filomena here and having the chance to get to know her. She is an such a good teacher and makes our 2 hour and 50 minute class very fun. I think learning what she has been teaching us these past 5 weeks will be very helpful for when we arrive. I absolutely can't wait to come to Tropea, although I will miss my family, friends, and boyfriend a great deal, this will be an experience of a lifetime.Ciao!*Ashley

venerdì 6 febbraio 2009

greetings from america!

hello! my name is maddie, and i am a student at mnsu in mankato, minnesota. i am a sophomore and i study history. eventually, i would love to be a high school history teacher and coach cross country or track. i am very close with my family. i have four people in my family, including my mom, dad, and one brother, seth. i love spending time with them, my wonderful friends, and my boyfriend billy. I also enjoy reading biographies and watching movies. 

i am so excited to come visit tropea! i have been looking forward to this opportunity ever since i looked into it, and i just cant wait for this adventure to finally take place! i think this experience is going to be a blast!!! minnesota is cold this time of year, so heading to a warmer place will be so nice. 

well, thats a little about me. i will post again soon! see you :]

domenica 1 febbraio 2009

Eccoci! Tutto è iniziato, esattamente, tre settimane, un giorno, cinque ore, quaranta minuti e trenta secondi fa...
L' impatto con il Nuovo Mondo? Freddo direi.
La foto rende l'idea eh?!
E così, dopo essermi smarrita varie volte nel Campus, dopo innumerevoli tentativi di capire e di farmi capire, dopo un leggero principio di congelamento eccomi qui a raccontarvi questa speciale avventura. Tutto è nuovo per me e lo osservo con entusiasmo e curiosità.
L' impatto con le ragazze è stato bello. Questa sarà un' esperienza speciale per tutti noi e questo il luogo di scambio di sensazioni e di esperienze.
Un po' un diario di viaggio e allora , via! Let's go!